My Favorite Essential Oil Blends to Use With Your Diffuser Bracelets

My Favorite Essential Oil Blends to Use With Your Diffuser Bracelets

Now that you have your beautiful gemstone diffuser bracelet you can start playing around with different blends of oils to see which ones you love the smell of and that help you the most with your emotional state.

As you might already know, we support the use of doTERRA essential oils because of the exceptional quality of their oils and business practices.

We love to make our own blends with our favorite oils but one of the really cool things about doTERRA is that they have done the work for us by creating some ready to use oil blends that target specific needs.

When you use one of these blends you body immediately responds to the natural chemistry of the oil- remember that doTERRA essential oils are not artificial fragrance - they are aromatic compounds extracted from plants!

Some oils such as tree oils are very earthy smelling and have a grounding effect on our emotions, other oils like the floral oils have a soothing effect that can help us release tension.

You can use these blends by applying them directly to the wood or lava beads on your bracelets. The oils will absorb into the beads and diffuse as you wear them.

Many people ask me, how long will the oils stay on the beads? or . .  How often should I apply the oil? 

The answer is that it really depends on the oil and your personal preference. The oils will stay on the beads for 8-24 hours depending on which oil it is, the potency and type of bead. 

You can apply the oils as often as you like! I like to explain that the bracelets will diffuse the oils but they are also a reminder to use your oils frequently throughout the day to help with you emotional state.

There is no harm in mixing blends either, you can mix and match oils as much as you would like.

So, now that you know how to use your oils with your bracelets check out my favorite blends from doTERRA. You can click on the link for each oil read more about it directly on our doTERRA website.

Remember that a wholesale membership will save you 25% off of retail pricing AND we will gift you a free diffuser bracelet with an wholesale enrollment and initial order of 100PV or more! 

Adaptiv - Calming Blend - Excellent for stress relief and soothing anxious feelings - this blend is hands down the most popular at our in person events.

Balance - Grounding Blend - Perfect for when you are stuck in your thoughts and need to be brought back to earth. Excellent to use at bedtime or anytime you need some grounding.

Cheer - Uplifting Blend - This is like sunshine in a bottle and my favorite blend to use on a cloudy day when my mood is in a funk and I need a little pick me up!

Console - Comforting Blend - The scent of this blend is so soothing! I have used it many time to find comfort and help me process emotions relating to loss and grief.

Forgive - Renewing Blend - Have you ever felt stuck in hanging on to something that is not serving you? I know that I have! Forgive is a refreshing blend that helps to move past what you are struggling with a get a fresh perspective.

Motivate - Encouraging Blend - My favorite oil to use when I need to get to work! It is a sweet smelling and refreshing blend of oils that gets me going at the home office or gym. 

Passion - Inspiring Blend - When you need to spice things up and get creative this is the blend to grab. It is a warming blend of oils that is perfect for finding some inspiration.

Peace - Reassuring Blend - When life is going 1,000 miles per hour and you need to slow down and find some calm this is the blend to use. It has a earthy scent and is a favorite for many. 

Serenity - Restful Blend - This was the first blend of oils from doTERRA that I fell in love with! It is both soothing and grounding and is great for winding down at night or finding some calm in your day.

Wooden box displaying essential oils



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